
My Nameday, just like it

Publicerad 2012-03-20 20:14:00 i My Blog,

The Swedish namedays is a list of names where each name is associated with a specific date. If your name is the same as the nameday of some date, you can celebrate your "nameday" on that date; it can be like a "little birthday" for you. Since there are much more than 365 names in use, nowadays each date usually have more than one name associated to it.

Today is my nameday!  - Kim

Kim is both the name of a man and a woman's name. Women's name is considered to be an abbreviation of Kimberly, the man's name stands for Joakim. The name is taken to mean the "fairness" or "seeker of truth." Kim is also an abbreviation of Kimball from Gaelic, meaning "commander" or battle leader. In Korea, Kim is a common surname, which has meant that many Swedish adoptive parents gave the child named Kim who's first name. In England the name became popular after Rudyard Kipling wrote the novel "Kim". Boys name Kim is quite common among younger people, but the girl's name was more common in the 1980s. 31 December 2005, a total of 11 070 men and 3981 women in Sweden with the name, of which 8216 men and 2353 women with that first name. In 2003, 133 boys and 41 girls name, of which 79 and 13 received it as first name. Name Day: 20 March


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